昆士兰州警方数据被违反,与虐待者分享家庭暴力受害人的地址,至少涉及5个案件。 Queensland police data breach shared domestic violence victims' addresses with abusers, affecting at least five cases.
昆士兰州警方承认存在数据违规现象,与虐待者分享家庭暴力受害人的地址,至少涉及5个案件。 Queensland police admitted a data breach that shared domestic violence victims' addresses with abusers, affecting at least five cases. 州政府已道歉, 一起案件涉及警方在泄露地址后为受害者安排监控. The state government apologized, and one case involved police arranging CCTV for a victim after the address breach. 一个工作组将确定解决办法,以男子为对象的为期四年的家庭暴力和家庭暴力战略旨在加强支助和干预。 A working group will identify solutions, and a four-year domestic and family violence strategy targeting men aims to boost support and interventions.