北爱尔兰为期 4 周的活动揭露了掠夺性放贷行为,鼓励受害者通过犯罪举报热线匿名举报。 4-week campaign in Northern Ireland exposes predatory money lending, encouraging victims to anonymously report through Crimestoppers.
独立慈善机构、警察及其合作伙伴在北爱尔兰发起了为期 4 周的活动,揭露掠夺性放贷的“残酷现实”。 Independent charity, police, and partners launch a 4-week campaign in Northern Ireland to expose the "cruel reality" of predatory money lending. 这些犯罪分子利用弱势群体的弱点,在贷款无法偿还时使用恐吓和暴力威胁。 These criminals exploit vulnerable people, using intimidation and threats of violence when loan repayments are not met. 该活动鼓励受害者通过犯罪举报热线匿名举报,并强调警方无需受害者陈述即可定罪。 The campaign encourages victims to speak up anonymously through Crimestoppers, emphasizing that police can secure convictions without victim statements.