西藏青年大会在印度完成了2万公里的自行车集会, Tibet Youth Congress finishes 20,000 km bike rally in India to raise awareness on Tibet's plight.
西藏青年大会于2025年1月22日在德里结束全印度Bike Rally, 覆盖20个州超过20,000公里。 The Tibet Youth Congress concluded their All-India Bike Rally in Delhi on January 22, 2025, covering over 20,000 kilometers through 20 states. 这场集会旨在提高人们对中国扩张主义野心及其对西藏和印度边境地区的影响的认识。 The rally aimed to raise awareness about China’s expansionist ambitions and their impact on Tibet and border regions of India. 此次活动得到了德里西藏社区的大力支持,TYC主席Gonpo Dhundup赞美,认为这是在争取西藏权利和文化保护方面的一项重大成就。 The event received strong support from the Tibetan community in Delhi, with the TYC President, Gonpo Dhundup, praising it as a significant achievement in the fight for Tibetan rights and cultural preservation.