西藏青年领导能力培训始于澳大利亚,重点是倡导和权利。 Tibetan youth leadership training begins in Australia, focusing on advocacy and rights.
西藏青年领导和宣传培训于2025年2月12日在澳大利亚启动, 来自全国各地的30名藏族青年聚集一堂。 A Tibetan youth leadership and advocacy training started on February 12, 2025, in Australia, bringing together 30 young Tibetans from across the country. 该讲习班由西藏信息办公室组织,旨在使与会者掌握领导技能,并与西藏中央行政当局和地方决策者等关键利益攸关方建立联系。 Organized by the Tibet Information Office, the workshop aims to equip participants with leadership skills and connect them with key stakeholders like the Central Tibetan Administration and local policymakers. 此次活动支持西藏青年倡导其文化和政治权利。 The event supports Tibetan youth in advocating for their cultural and political rights.