三名男子因在劳德代尔堡发生船只爆炸后英勇行动而荣耀,这很可能拯救了生命。 Three men were honored for their heroic actions after a boat explosion in Fort Lauderdale, likely saving lives.
在劳德代尔堡,在12月23日在劳德代尔玛丽娜发生船只爆炸,造成一人死亡六人受伤后,三名男子因其勇敢行动而荣耀。 In Fort Lauderdale, three men were honored for their brave actions after a boat explosion at Lauderdale Marina on December 23, which led to one death and six injuries. Moses Lopez, Scott Stempkowski, 和Tamer Damiati不顾危险匆匆忙忙忙求救, 洛佩斯带着一名受伤妇女前往安全地带, Moses Lopez, Scott Stempkowski, and Tamer Damiati rushed to help despite the danger, with Lopez carrying an injured woman to safety and starting to extinguish the flames. 他们的快速反应很可能拯救了生命和财产 赢得了劳德代尔堡消防救援好撒玛利亚奖 Their quick response likely saved lives and properties, earning them the Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue Good Samaritan Award.