3 名德卢斯居民和 2 名学校护士因通过心肺复苏和自动体外除颤器拯救生命而获奖。 3 Duluth residents and 2 school nurses honored for saving lives through CPR and AED use.
3 名德卢斯居民和 2 名学校护士因拯救生命而受到表彰:消防队长 Mark Korsema、Kurt Mazel 医生和第三位不知名人士在明尼阿波利斯机场救了杰伊·梅 (Jay May),使其免于倒塌,而布伦达·冈萨雷斯 (Brenda Gonzalez) 和玛丽·阿什莫尔 (Mary Ashmore) 救了 2 名患有心脏病的同事路易斯维尔独立学区的紧急情况。 3 Duluth residents & 2 school nurses honored for life-saving efforts: Fire Captain Mark Korsema, Dr. Kurt Mazel, and a 3rd unnamed person saved Jay May from a collapse at Minneapolis Airport, while Brenda Gonzalez and Mary Ashmore saved 2 colleagues experiencing cardiac emergencies at Lewisville Independent School District. 该奖项强调了紧急情况下心肺复苏术培训和 AED 使用的重要性。 The awards emphasize the importance of CPR training and AED use in emergency situations.