设计一个新的低碳发电站的技术能源在英国拥有碳捕获技术。 Technip Energies to design a new low-carbon power station with carbon capture tech in the UK.
Technip Energies已获得一项合同,在联合王国Connah的Quay设计一个新的与碳捕获和储存(CCCS)的碳捕获和储存(CCS)混合循环气涡轮发电站(CCGT)。 Technip Energies has been awarded a contract to design a new Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) at Connah's Quay in the UK. 该项目旨在提供1.3千兆瓦的低碳发电,并支持联合王国实现到2050年实现净零排放的目标。 This project aims to deliver 1.3 GW of low-carbon power and support the UK's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 该项目是HyNet集群的一部分,预计将在2030年之前开始商业运营,并将使用先进的碳捕获技术。 The project, part of the HyNet Cluster, is expected to begin commercial operations by 2030 and will use advanced carbon capture technology.