7个法国家庭,包括因自杀而失去孩子的父母,就有害内容起诉TikTok。 Seven French families, including parents who lost children to suicide, sue TikTok over harmful content.
法国的7个家庭,包括2个因自杀而失去儿童的家庭,正在起诉TikTok, 理由是据称TikTok没有减少有害内容,并使儿童接触威胁生命的材料。 Seven families in France, including two who lost children to suicide, are suing TikTok for allegedly failing to moderate harmful content and exposing children to life-threatening material. 这些家庭声称,TikTok的算法将脆弱的使用者困在为盈利而绝望的循环中。 The families claim that TikTok's algorithm traps vulnerable users in cycles of despair for profit. 尽管TikTok的辩护是,它将用户引向心理健康服务,但诉讼寻求赔偿并要求更安全的内容控制。 Despite TikTok's defense that it refers users to mental health services, the lawsuit seeks reparations and demands safer content controls.