前TikTok主持人在英国提起诉讼,指控残疾歧视和有毒的工作环境。 Former TikTok moderator sues in UK, alleging disability discrimination and toxic work environment.
据称, TikTok 在英国面临前内容主管Olivia Anton Altamirano的诉讼,她指控残疾歧视,有毒的工作环境和不切实际的目标,声称这些因素导致了压力,焦虑,抑郁和妊娠并发症. TikTok is facing a lawsuit in the UK by former content moderator, Olivia Anton Altamirano, who alleges disability discrimination, a toxic work environment, and unrealistic targets, claiming these factors led to stress, anxiety, depression, and pregnancy complications. Altamirano在Badness项目工作时,允许她的案件进入下一阶段,尽管TikTok否认所有指控和声称为她的健康状况提供必要的支助。 Working on the Badness Project, Altamirano has her case allowed to proceed to the next stage, despite TikTok's denial of all allegations and claims of providing necessary support for her medical conditions. 这场诉讼加重了TikTok在美国现有的法律麻烦。 The lawsuit adds to TikTok's existing legal troubles in the US.