犹他州指控TikTok允许未成年人为虚拟礼物进行性行为, Utah sues TikTok for allowing live streams where minors performed sexual acts for virtual gifts.
Utah对TikTok的诉讼声称,App在知情的情况下允许其直播功能为营利目的剥削儿童。 Utah's lawsuit against TikTok claims the app knowingly allowed its live streaming feature to exploit children for profit. 据报告,内部调查显示,未成年人从事性行为以换取虚拟礼物,该平台被用来洗钱和资助恐怖主义。 Internal investigations reportedly revealed that minors were performing sexual acts in exchange for virtual gifts, and the platform was used for money laundering and funding terrorism. 尽管有这些调查结果,但TikTok据称继续允许这些活动增加收入。 Despite these findings, TikTok allegedly continued to allow these activities to boost revenue.