TikTok内部文件揭示了该应用程序对青少年和十几岁前的潜在危险,包括心理健康和身体形象的影响。 Internal TikTok documents reveal the app's potential dangers to teenagers and pre-teens, including mental health and body image impacts.
TikTok内部文件显示,该公司早就认识到该应用程序对青少年和十几岁前的潜在危险,包括对心理健康和身体形象的负面影响。 Internal TikTok documents reveal the company has long recognized the app's potential dangers to teenagers and pre-teens, including negative impacts on mental health and body image. 调查结果突出表明了对TikTok向年轻用户宣传有害内容的算法的关切。 The findings highlight concerns over TikTok's algorithms promoting harmful content to young users. 这促使家长、决策者和监管者对应用软件的安全措施和透明度,特别是对青年的影响进行更多的审查。 This has sparked increased scrutiny from parents, policymakers, and regulators regarding the app's safety measures and transparency, particularly concerning its effects on youth.