总统习近平向中国公民保证, 2024年后的洪水恢复会得到政府支持。 President Xi Jinping assures Chinese citizens of government support post-2024 flood recovery.
中国主席习近平向公众保证,在困难时期,特别是在2024年夏季洪灾之后,他们可以依赖党和政府。 Chinese President Xi Jinping reassured the public that they can depend on the Party and government during difficult times, especially following the summer floods of 2024. 习近平访问了辽宁省的朱家古村,回顾了重建进展,并表示对恢复工作有信心。 Xi visited Zhujiagou Village in Liaoning Province, where he reviewed reconstruction progress and expressed confidence in the recovery efforts. 他强调政府承诺优先考虑其人民的福祉。 He emphasized the government's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its people.