特朗普总统批评联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA),计划进行国事访问,将救灾援助与移民合作联系起来。 President Trump criticizes FEMA, plans state visits, links disaster aid to immigration cooperation.
特朗普总统建议各州应该处理自己的救灾响应,并批评 FEMA 在过去四年中阻碍并未能履行其职责。 President Trump suggested states should handle their own disaster responses, criticizing FEMA for getting in the way and failing to do its job over the past four years. 他计划访问北卡罗来纳州和加利福尼亚州,分别评估最近的风暴和野火造成的损失。 He plans to visit North Carolina and California to assess damage from recent storms and wildfires, respectively. 特朗普还提到了以配合他的移民政策的国家为救灾援助的条件。 Trump also mentioned conditioning disaster aid on states cooperating with his immigration policies.