俄亥俄州立法者提出法案,禁止DEI方案,并规定大学开设公民课程。 Ohio lawmakers propose bill to ban DEI programs and mandate civics courses in universities.
俄亥俄州立法者提出了参议院法案1,旨在通过禁止多样性、公平和包容(DEI)方案、禁止强制性教育(DEI)培训和取消入学率低的方案来改变高等教育。 Ohio lawmakers have introduced Senate Bill 1, aiming to transform higher education by banning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, prohibiting mandatory DEI training, and eliminating programs with low enrollment. 该法案还要求有国家设计的毕业公民课程、禁止教师罢工和授权在线出版教学大纲。 The bill also requires a state-designed civics course for graduation, bans faculty strikes, and mandates online publication of syllabi. 批评者认为这会限制学术自由, 并可能伤害少数族裔学生, 而支持者则认为会提高入学率, Critics argue it limits academic freedom and could harm minority students, while supporters believe it will boost enrollment and ensure a bias-free classroom environment. 大学可能会因不遵守规定而面临资金削减。 Universities could face funding cuts for non-compliance.