随着新的法律和行政命令影响到资金和支持,大学面临对教育倡议方案的修改。 Universities face changes to DEI programs as new laws and executive orders impact funding and support.
为了响应特朗普总统的行政命令和参议院第17号法案,全美各大学在多样性、公平和包容(DEI)方案方面正面临变化。 In response to President Trump's executive orders and Senate Bill 17, universities across the U.S. are facing changes to their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. 在北得克萨斯大学,有四名教授在该法案废除了DEI课程后辞职。 At the University of North Texas, four professors resigned after the bill eliminated DEI programs. 纽约大学虽然在财政上没有受到直接影响,但两项研究赠款和性别确认护理的取消已经结束。 NYU, while not directly affected financially, has seen the end of two research grants and the cancellation of gender-affirming care. 西北部和东北部也正在处理这些后果,包括删除与DEI有关的网页和研究工具。 Northwestern and Northeastern are also dealing with the ramifications, including the removal of DEI-related webpages and research tools. 长岛学院正在确认致力于多样性,同时监测潜在的资金削减情况。 Long Island colleges are affirming their commitment to diversity while monitoring potential funding cuts. 多个机构对学术自由和支持边缘化群体的影响感到关切。 Multiple institutions are concerned about the impact on academic freedom and support for marginalized groups.