尼日利亚家庭在数十年的免费公墓服务中领取工资,尊重穆斯林的墓地传统。 Nigerian family placed on payroll for decades of free cemetery service, honoring Muslim burial traditions.
尼日利亚的Abdullahi家族在Tudun Wada穆斯林公墓自愿工作数十年, 无偿地履行丧葬义务。 The Abdullahi family in Nigeria has volunteered at the Tudun Wada Muslim cemetery for decades, performing graveside duties without pay. 他们每天12小时轮班工作,确保按照穆斯林仪式的要求迅速举行葬礼。 Working 12-hour shifts daily, they ensure burials occur quickly as required by Muslim rites. 最近,地方理事会主席决定将他们列入工资单,承认他们尽心尽力的服务,并希望为子孙后代确保这一传统。 Recently, the local council chairman decided to put them on the payroll, acknowledging their dedicated service and hoping to secure the tradition for future generations.