贝宁的传统统治者禁止自12月14日起举行葬礼, Benin's traditional ruler bans funerals starting Dec. 14, sparking a rush to bury loved ones.
尼日利亚的传统统治者贝宁奥巴已颁布法令,从12月14日起禁止在贝宁王国举行丧葬仪式。 The Oba of Benin, a traditional ruler in Nigeria, has issued a decree banning funeral rites in the Benin Kingdom starting December 14. 这导致葬礼激增,因为家庭在禁令生效之前急于埋葬亲人。 This has led to a surge in funerals as families rush to bury their loved ones before the ban takes effect. 随着居民遵守新规定,太平间正在看到大量尸体被回收。 Mortuaries are seeing a mass retrieval of bodies as residents comply with the new regulations.