康沃尔一个大型穆斯林公墓的计划引发了当地对环境和交通关注的争议。 Plans for a large Muslim cemetery in Cornwall spark local controversy over environmental and traffic concerns.
关于在康沃尔的10英亩农田上建造9,000块穆斯林墓地的提议,由于对交通、洪水和农业用地损失的关切,遭到当地反对。 A proposal to build a 9,000-plot Muslim cemetery on 10 acres of farmland in Cornwall has faced local opposition due to concerns about traffic, flooding, and loss of agricultural land. 慈善花园慈善会计划该墓地为康沃尔和德文的伊斯兰社区服务,支持者们指出需要当地穆斯林墓地。 The Gardens of Mercy charity plans the cemetery to serve the Islamic community in Cornwall and Devon, with supporters citing the need for a local Muslim burial site. 已经提交了100多份评论,反映了各种反对和支持。 Over 100 comments have been submitted, reflecting a mix of objections and support.