海恩勋爵警告威斯敏斯特宫 火灾危险和延迟修复 可能带来“ Notre Dame inferno”的风险 Lord Hain warns Palace of Westminster risks "Notre Dame inferno" due to fire hazards, delayed restoration.
英国前内阁大臣海恩勋爵警告说,由于过去十年中45起火灾事件,威斯敏斯特宫可能会面临“ Notre Dame地狱”。 Former UK cabinet minister Lord Hain has warned that the Palace of Westminster could face a "Notre Dame inferno" due to 45 fire incidents over the past decade. 对费用和公众支持的担忧推迟了2018年商定的恢复计划,该计划涉及议会两院临时搬迁。 Concerns over cost and public support have delayed the restoration plan agreed in 2018, which involves temporarily relocating both Houses of Parliament. 旨在预防不可逆转损害的恢复估计耗资70亿至220亿英镑,预计到2025年底将最后确定各种备选办法。 The restoration, aimed at preventing irreversible damage, is estimated to cost between £7 billion and £22 billion, with options expected to be finalized by the end of 2025.