南非议会在一个用于曼德拉葬礼的圆顶举行会议,同时重建其大楼。 South Africa's parliament meets in a dome used for Mandela's funeral while its building is rebuilt.
南非国民议会有一个新的临时住宅,其圆顶结构最初用于纳尔逊·曼德拉的葬礼。 South Africa's National Assembly has a new temporary home in a dome structure originally used for Nelson Mandela's funeral. 该圆顶现在配有增援和新屋顶,在重建2022年被火灾破坏的国民议会大楼期间,将作为议会开会的场所。 The dome, now equipped with reinforcements and a new roof, will serve as a venue for parliamentary sittings during the reconstruction of the National Assembly building, which was damaged by a fire in 2022. 部长Dean Macpherson赞扬该项目的完成,指出它允许不间断地开庭和公众观察。 Minister Dean Macpherson praised the project's completion, noting it allows for uninterrupted sittings and public observation.