80岁的前卡尔加里教师在1990年代面临性攻击指控,涉及两名未成年人。 Former Calgary teacher, 80, faces sexual assault charges from the 1990s involving two minors.
一名80岁的前卡尔加里教师在1990年代面临五起对两名学生的性攻击指控。 A former Calgary teacher, now 80 years old, is facing five charges of sexual assault against two students in the 1990s. 受害者当时12岁,指称教师在课后辅导期间不适当地触摸了一名教师,并在家中和车辆中殴打了另一名教师。 The victims, who were 12 years old at the time, allege the teacher inappropriately touched one during after-school tutoring and assaulted the other at his home and in his vehicle. 这些指控包括两项对一名16岁以下儿童的性攻击罪。 The charges include two counts of sexual assault with a child under 16. 本案突出表明,加拿大缺乏对性攻击的时效法规。 The case highlights Canada's lack of statute of limitations for sexual assault.