26 岁的武术教练安东尼·佩恩斯 (Anthony Panes) 因涉嫌在俱乐部性侵犯未成年人而面临指控;可能还有其他受害者和其他俱乐部参与其中。 26-year-old martial arts coach Anthony Panes faces charges for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor at a club; possible additional victims and other clubs involved.
26 岁的安东尼·帕内斯 (Anthony Panes) 是纽马克特 (Newmarket) 的武术教练,因涉嫌在俱乐部性侵犯未成年人而面临指控。 26-year-old Anthony Panes, a Newmarket martial arts coach, faces charges for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor at a club. 警方认为,帕内斯可能还在大多伦多地区的其他武术俱乐部工作过,并怀疑可能还有其他受害者。 Police believe Panes may have worked at other martial arts clubs in the Greater Toronto Area and suspect there may be additional victims. 调查人员鼓励潜在受害者挺身而出,并强调性犯罪没有时效。 Investigators encourage potential victims to come forward and emphasize that there is no statute of limitations for sexual offences.