联邦特别工作组建议禁止卡车租购计划, Federal task force recommends banning truck lease-purchase programs, citing driver exploitation.
联邦特别工作组建议禁止卡车租赁购买计划, A federal task force recommends banning trucking lease-purchase programs, arguing they exploit drivers and undermine compensation. 联邦汽车承运人安全管理局特别工作组发现,这些方案造成重大伤害,没有提供真正的所有权机会。 The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's task force found these programs cause significant harm without providing real opportunities for ownership. 如果不加以禁止,工作队建议联邦机构加强监督和执法,以保护司机。 If not banned, the task force suggests increased oversight and enforcement by federal agencies to protect drivers.