特斯拉赞成取消车祸报告规则, 影响车辆安全监督。 Trump's team proposes removing a car-crash reporting rule, favored by Tesla, affecting vehicle safety oversight.
Trump过渡团队建议放弃特斯拉反对的汽车撞车报告规则, 这可能会限制政府监管车辆安全的能力, The Trump transition team suggests dropping a car-crash reporting rule opposed by Tesla, which could limit the government's ability to regulate vehicle safety, especially for autonomous systems. 这项规则因过度收集数据而受到批评,一直是国家公路交通安全管理局调查的关键。 The rule, criticized for excessive data collection, has been key in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's investigations. Tesla报告有超过1 500次撞车事故,如果予以清除,将会受益匪浅。 Tesla, which reported over 1,500 crashes, would benefit from its removal. 汽车创新联盟代表主要汽车制造商,也认为这一要求负担沉重。 The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, representing major automakers, also views the requirement as burdensome.