丹麦消费者信心略有改善,而比利时和荷兰则有所下降。 Denmark's consumer confidence slightly improved, while Belgium and the Netherlands saw declines.
1月,丹麦消费者信心略有提高,在对当前家庭财政进行更好评估的推动下,消费者信心从12月的-13.1升至-11.7。 In January, Denmark saw a slight improvement in consumer confidence, rising to -11.7 from -13.1 in December, driven by better assessments of current family finances. 相反,比利时和荷兰消费者信心减弱,比利时消费者情绪指数下降至-11.0,荷兰指数下降至-28。 In contrast, Belgian and Dutch consumer confidence weakened, with Belgium's consumer sentiment index dropping to -11.0 and the Dutch index falling to -28. 两国家庭对经济前景更加谨慎,储蓄较少。 Both countries saw households becoming more cautious about the economic outlook and saving less.