Costco拒绝股东关于审查多样性政策风险的建议,坚持其对环境倡议的承诺。 Costco rejects shareholder proposal to review risks of diversity policies, sticking to its commitment on DEI.
Costco坚持其多样化、公平和包容政策,尽管股东提议公司评估与这些做法相关的潜在商业风险。 Costco is standing firm on its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies despite a shareholder proposal suggesting the company assess potential business risks linked to these practices. 由保守智囊团提交的提案认为,DEI倡议可能对公司和股东带来风险。 The proposal, submitted by a conservative think tank, argues that DEI initiatives could pose risks to the company and shareholders. 然而,Costco的董事会一致投票否决了该动议,强调DEI对于培养创造力和客户满意度的重要性。 However, Costco's board of directors voted unanimously to reject the motion, emphasizing the importance of DEI for fostering creativity and customer satisfaction. 这一立场与其他主要品牌形成鲜明对照,它们缩减了DEI的努力。 This stance contrasts with other major brands scaling back their DEI efforts.