在安大略省Joriki设施中,CFIA关闭了18例与Listeria有关的疾病,包括两例死亡,这些疾病与污染植物的奶制品有关,被CFIA关闭。 18 cases of Listeria-related illnesses, including two deaths, linked to tainted plant-based milk products at a Joriki facility in Ontario, shut down by CFIA.
加拿大食品检查署(CFIA)确认,加拿大Danone公司使用的第三方饮料包装设施Joriki经营的安大略省皮克林设施的若干植物基牛奶产品受到Listeria污染。 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) confirmed a Listeria contamination in several plant-based milk products at a Pickering, Ontario facility operated by Joriki, a third-party beverage packaging facility used by Danone Canada. 感染导致18例李斯特菌病, 其中13例住院, 加拿大有2例死亡. The contamination led to 18 cases of listeriosis, including 13 hospitalizations and two deaths in Canada. 受影响的产品包括丝绸品牌杏仁奶、椰子牛奶、杏仁-椰子奶和燕麦,以及高价值品牌杏仁牛奶。 The affected products include Silk brand almond milk, coconut milk, almond-coconut milk, and oat milk, as well as Great Value brand almond milk. 在CFIA继续检查期间,生产线已经拆解,除非采取纠正措施,消除污染,否则不会恢复生产。 The production line has been disassembled while the CFIA continues inspection, and no production will resume until corrective measures are implemented and contamination is eliminated.