理查德·琼斯因苏菲·埃文斯在西威尔士 死亡而面临谋杀指控 否认指控 承认过失杀人 Richard Jones faces murder charges for the death of Sophie Evans in West Wales, denying the claim and admitting to manslaughter.
Richard Jones 50岁 因谋杀Sophie Evans而受审 30岁 在西威尔士的家中 Richard Jones, 50, is on trial for the murder of Sophie Evans, 30, at her home in West Wales, where she was found dead after a violent attack. Jones承认过失杀人,但责任减轻,但否认谋杀。 Jones admitted to manslaughter with diminished responsibility but denies murder. 证据显示他在事件发生后下令切片, 并进行互联网搜索, 表明他觉得被埃文斯和她的儿子蒙骗。 Evidence shows he ordered a custard slice after the incident and made internet searches suggesting he felt deceived by Evans and her son. 检察官称,埃文斯在被勒死前受了多处伤,包括颈部骨折。 Prosecutors claim Evans suffered multiple injuries, including a neck fracture, before being strangled. 审判仍在进行。 The trial is ongoing.