25 岁的莫里斯·琼斯 (Maurice Jones) 因在索尔兹伯里谋杀正在推着婴儿车的儿子的茨维托米尔·吉诺夫 (Tsvetomir Genov) 而被判有罪。 25-year-old Maurice Jones found guilty of murdering Tsvetomir Genov, who was pushing his son in a pushchair, in Salisbury.
25 岁的莫里斯·琼斯 (Maurice Jones) 因在光天化日之下刺死 20 岁的茨维托米尔·热诺夫 (Tsvetomir Genov) 而被判谋杀罪,当时热诺夫正推着放在婴儿车里的 16 个月大的儿子。 25-year-old Maurice Jones was found guilty of murder after fatally stabbing 20-year-old Tsvetomir Genov, who was pushing his 16-month-old son in a pushchair in broad daylight. 事件发生在索尔兹伯里的盖恩斯伯勒巷,琼斯在那里就吉诺夫的儿子和前伴侣有关的问题与吉诺夫对峙。 The incident took place in Gainsborough Close, Salisbury, where Jones confronted Genov over issues related to Genov's son and former partner. 温彻斯特刑事法庭判定琼斯犯有谋杀罪和持有刀具罪。 Jones was convicted of murder and possession of a bladed article at Winchester Crown Court.