49 岁的本杰明·阿特金斯 (Benjamin Atkins) 因谋杀房客西蒙·肖顿 (Simon Shotton) 和肢解尸体被判有罪,其伴侣黛比·佩雷拉 (Debbie Pereira) 因妨碍司法公正被判有罪。 49-year-old Benjamin Atkins found guilty of murdering lodger Simon Shotton, dismembering body, partner Debbie Pereira convicted of perverting justice.
49 岁的本杰明·阿特金斯 (Benjamin Atkins) 因金钱纠纷被判谋杀其房客、49 岁的西蒙·肖顿 (Simon Shotton) 罪名成立。 Benjamin Atkins, 49, was found guilty of murdering his lodger, 49-year-old Simon Shotton, in a dispute over money. 肢解了肖顿的尸体后,阿特金斯将尸体碎片装在包裹和手提箱中,散落在伯恩茅斯海滨。 After dismembering Shotton's body, Atkins scattered body parts in packages and a suitcase along the Bournemouth seafront. 他的伴侣,39 岁的黛比·佩雷拉 (Debbie Pereira) 因妨碍司法公正而被判有罪。 His partner, Debbie Pereira, 39, was convicted of perverting the course of justice. 两人将于 7 月 26 日在温彻斯特刑事法庭接受宣判。 Both will be sentenced on 26 July at Winchester Crown Court.