俄勒冈州的 DMV 因维护而关闭波特兰的 Mall 205 办公室,每年影响 95,000 名游客。 Oregon's DMV closes Portland's Mall 205 office due to maintenance, affecting 95,000 yearly visitors.
由于维护问题,俄勒冈州 DMV 将于 1 月 31 日关闭其位于波特兰的 Mall 205 办事处,每年影响近 95,000 名客户。 The Oregon DMV is closing its Mall 205 office in Portland due to maintenance issues, effective January 31, impacting nearly 95,000 annual customers. 这18名雇员将被重新分配,车管处正在寻找新的地点,这可能需要一年多的时间。 The 18 employees will be reassigned, and the DMV is seeking a new location, which could take over a year. 建议客户使用其他DMV办公室、DMV2U在线门户或Fred Meyer商店的自助亭。 Customers are advised to use other DMV offices, the DMV2U online portal, or self-serve kiosks at Fred Meyer stores. 车管局还雇用了26名新工作人员进行真实身份证交易。 The DMV is also hiring 26 new staff for REAL ID transactions.