俄勒冈州车管部在Fred Meyer商店推出自助服务亭,用于更新车辆登记。 Oregon's DMV introduces self-service kiosks in Fred Meyer stores for vehicle registration renewals.
俄勒冈州车管部在9家Fred Meyer商店推出了自助服务亭,允许顾客在现场更新车辆登记。 Oregon's DMV has introduced self-service kiosks in nine Fred Meyer stores, allowing customers to renew vehicle registrations on-site. 这些亭接受现金和卡片付款,每周七天提供英文和西班牙文服务。 The kiosks, which accept cash and card payments, are available seven days a week and offer services in English and Spanish. 用户每次交易都要支付4.95美元的供应商费,并立即收到印刷标签和标签。 Users pay a $4.95 vendor fee per transaction and receive immediate printed tags and stickers. 车管局计划将服务站扩大到更多地点,以改善出入便利和公平性。 The DMV plans to expand the kiosks to more locations to improve accessibility and equity.