伊利诺伊州 DMV 在伦巴第推出 24/7 自助服务亭,以实现快速更新,并计划在全州范围内扩展。 Illinois DMV launches 24/7 kiosks in Lombard for fast renewals, with plans to expand statewide.
位于伦巴德的伊利诺伊州车管局现在提供24/7个车站,用于车辆登记更新、车牌贴纸和驾驶执照更新,目的是缩短等候时间,改善服务。 The Illinois DMV in Lombard now offers 24/7 kiosks for vehicle registration renewals, license plate stickers, and driver's license renewals, aiming to reduce wait times and improve service. 这个新设施是芝加哥以外最大的驱动式车管所,包括30个客户服务站和18个电动车辆充电站。 This new facility, the largest drive-thru DMV outside Chicago, includes 30 customer service stations and 18 electric vehicle charging stations. 州政府计划扩大这一模式,目的是在伊利诺伊州各地,包括在芝加哥和杂货店安装100多个类似的站。 The state plans to expand this model, with aims to install over 100 similar kiosks across Illinois, including in Chicago and grocery stores.