由于警方活动,大批警力关闭了尤金 Beltline 至 River Avenue 的东向出口匝道。 Large police presence closed eastbound off-ramp from Beltline to River Avenue in Eugene due to police activity.
由于周二晚上的警务活动,大批警力关闭了尤金市 Beltline 至 River Avenue 的东向出口匝道。 A large police presence closed the eastbound off-ramp from Beltline to River Avenue in Eugene due to police activity on Tuesday evening. 俄勒冈州部门 Oregon Dept. 交通部报告了第 9 个里程碑处的封闭情况,并提醒驾驶员延误时间较长,并要求他们使用替代路线。 of Transportation reported the closure at milepost 9, advising motorists of extended delays and asking them to use alternate routes. 莱恩县警长办公室确认目前没有威胁,情况仍在继续。 The Lane County Sheriff's Office confirmed no current threat, and the situation is ongoing.