纽约市市长Adams将起诉书与对移民政策的批评联系起来,指控民主党人抛弃了他。 NYC Mayor Adams links indictments to criticism of immigration policy, accuses Democrats of abandoning him.
纽约市市长Eric Adams声称,联邦对他提出起诉是因为向拜登政府投诉该市的非法移民危机。 New York City Mayor Eric Adams claims federal indictments against him stem from complaints to the Biden administration about the city's illegal immigration crisis. 他说,一些官员认为他不是提出这些关切的“好民主党人”。 He says some officials felt he wasn't being a "good Democrat" for raising these concerns. Adams在接受保守的东道主Tucker Carlson的采访时, 也批评民主党抛弃他及工人阶级人士, Adams, whose approval rating is low, also criticized the Democratic Party for abandoning him and working-class people, during an interview with conservative host Tucker Carlson.