纽约市市长Adams指控司法部政治化,将他的案件与拜登的儿子亨特的赦免联系起来。 NYC Mayor Adams accuses DOJ of politicization, linking his case to Biden's son Hunter's pardon.
纽约市市长Eric Adams指控拜登司法部政治化, 引用拜登总统赦免他儿子亨特作为证据。 New York City Mayor Eric Adams has accused the Biden Justice Department of politicization, citing President Biden's pardon of his son Hunter as evidence. 面对联邦腐败指控的Adams认为,他的起诉是出于政治动机,因为他批评Biden的边界政策。 Adams, who faces federal corruption charges, argues his prosecution is politically motivated due to his criticism of Biden's border policies. 他提到《纽约时报》一篇文章指出,Biden和Trump都同意司法部已经政治化。 He points to a New York Times article stating both Biden and Trump agree the DOJ has become politicized. Adams坚持自己无罪,并认罪不认罪。 Adams maintains his innocence and has pleaded not guilty.