马尼托巴省为未经批准的电费冻结发起广告运动, Manitoba launches ad campaign for unapproved electricity rate freeze, sparking public debate.
马尼托巴省政府发起了一项广告运动,促进一年的电费冻结,但公共事业委员会尚未批准。 The Manitoba government has launched an advertising campaign promoting a one-year electricity rate freeze that has not yet been approved by the Public Utilities Board. 尽管从1月1日开始,马尼托巴省水电公司尚未向董事会提出冻结申请,董事会有权批准或拒绝这类建议。 Despite starting on January 1, Manitoba Hydro has not filed a request for the freeze with the board, which has the authority to approve or deny such proposals. 反对派认为这场运动误导了公众,而一名政治分析家则认为这是一个过早的举动。 The opposition argues the campaign misleads the public, while a political analyst sees it as a premature move.