马尼托巴Hydro为极端寒冷造成的电力需求创下记录,达到5,111.5兆瓦。 Manitoba Hydro set a record for electricity demand due to extreme cold, reaching 5,111.5 megawatts.
马尼托巴省Hydro在1月20日因极端寒冷面临创纪录的电力需求, 达5,111.5兆瓦。 Manitoba Hydro faced a record electricity demand on January 20 due to extreme cold, reaching 5,111.5 megawatts. 公用事业公司不得不从市场购买额外的电力以满足需求。 The utility had to buy extra power from the market to meet needs. 随着需求逐年增长,马尼托巴水电公司正在探索新的能源来源和效率措施,以跟上该省日益增长的电力需求,特别是因为人口每年增长约7 500人。 With demand growing annually, Manitoba Hydro is exploring new energy sources and efficiency measures to keep up with the province's increasing electricity needs, especially as the population grows by about 7,500 yearly.