司法部在新的总检察长确认之前对关键官员进行改组。 Justice Department reshuffles key officials ahead of new AG confirmation.
在特朗普总统提名的司法部长潘邦迪候选人获得预期确认之前,司法部至少重新分配了20名关键职业官员担任不同职位。 The Justice Department has reassigned at least 20 key career officials to different positions ahead of the expected confirmation of President Trump's nominee for attorney general, Pam Bondi. 其中包括国际事务负责人Bruce Swartz和国家安全司的George Toscas。 This includes Bruce Swartz, head of international affairs, and George Toscas in the national security division. 这些举动可能预示着进一步的变化。 之所以如此,是因为特朗普对先前调查他的部门表现出了浓厚的兴趣。 The moves, which could foreshadow further changes, come as Trump shows keen interest in the department that previously investigated him.