司法部解雇了十几名参与特朗普调查的雇员,理由是出于忠诚考虑。 DOJ fires over a dozen employees involved in Trump investigations, citing loyalty concerns.
特朗普政府下属的美国司法部 已经解雇了十几名员工 他们参与了对特朗普总统的刑事调查 The U.S. Justice Department under the Trump administration has fired over a dozen employees who were involved in criminal investigations of President Trump. 代理总检察长James McHenry对不能相信这些官员忠实地执行特朗普的议程表示关切。 Acting Attorney General James McHenry cited concerns that these officials could not be trusted to faithfully implement Trump's agenda. 这一行动反映了政府旨在清除被认为不忠的工人的目标,尽管传统上检察官在不同的行政部门中仍然保留其职位。 This move reflects the administration's aim to purge perceived disloyal workers, despite the tradition that prosecutors remain in their positions across different administrations.