伊朗最高法院确认,对袭击阿塞拜疆大使馆、杀害一名馆长的人判处死刑。 Iran's Supreme Court confirms death sentence for man who attacked Azerbaijani Embassy, killing one.
伊朗最高法院确认了对Yasin Huseynzada的死刑判决,他于2023年1月袭击了阿塞拜疆驻德黑兰大使馆,造成1人死亡,2人受伤。 Iran's Supreme Court has confirmed the death sentence for Yasin Huseynzada, who attacked the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran in January 2023, killing one and injuring two. 案件已经提交法院,如果受害者家属提出要求,将执行判刑。 The case has been referred to court, and if the victims' families demand it, the sentence will be carried out. 这次袭击导致使馆关闭,其工作人员撤离。 The attack led to the embassy's closure and the evacuation of its staff.