伊朗最高法院推翻了对劳动权利活动家Sharifeh Mohammadi的死刑判决, Iran's Supreme Court overturns death sentence of labor rights activist Sharifeh Mohammadi accused of ties to Komala party.
伊朗最高法院推翻了对劳动权利活动家Sharifeh Mohammadi(45岁)的死刑判决, Iran's Supreme Court has overturned the death sentence of labor rights activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, 45, accused of ties to the outlawed Komala party, a Kurdish separatist group. 在Rasht被捕后,她最初于7月被判刑,现在她的案件将重新审理。 Initially sentenced in July after her arrest in Rasht, her case will now go to retrial. 伊朗是世界上处决率最高的国家之一,仅次于中国,而权利团体则强调在惩罚中以库尔德和逊尼派俾路支少数民族为重点。 Iran has one of the world's highest execution rates, second only to China, with rights groups highlighting a focus on Kurdish and Sunni Baloch minorities in these penalties.