伊朗处决了一名男子,该人于2023年5月故意撞倒并杀害了一名警官。 Iran executed a man who intentionally ran over and killed a police officer in May 2023.
2023年5月,伊朗警察在一条高速公路上阻止走私者时,于星期三处决了一名男子,罪名是故意冲过路面,杀害一名警官。 Iran executed a man on Wednesday for intentionally running over and killing a police officer in May 2023 while the officer was stopping smugglers on a highway. 处决是在受害者家属要求判处死刑之后,在Saveh监狱进行的。 The execution took place at Saveh prison, following the victim's family's request for the death penalty. 伊朗以其全球处决率仅次于中国而闻名, 对谋杀、贩毒、强奸和性攻击等重大罪行处以死刑。 Iran, known for having one of the highest execution rates globally after China, applies capital punishment for major crimes like murder, drug trafficking, rape, and sexual assault.