前新加坡警官因为逃避债务谋杀父亲和儿子而被处决。 Former Singapore police officer executed for murdering a father and son to avoid debts.
前新加坡警官Iskandar Rahmat于2月5日因在2013年谋杀父亲和儿子以避免经济麻烦而被处决。 A former Singapore police officer, Iskandar Rahmat, was executed on February 5th for murdering a father and his son in 2013 to avoid financial trouble. Rahmat曾经在警察中工作14年,于2015年被定罪。 Rahmat, who had a 14-year career in the police, was convicted in 2015. 尽管有人呼吁宽大处理,他仍被处决,因为在新加坡,死刑只针对谋杀等严重罪行。 Despite appeals for clemency, his execution proceeded as capital punishment is reserved for severe crimes like murder in Singapore.