一名70岁的妇女在Antrim Rathglynn的家中被蓄意放火焚烧后住院。 A 70-year-old woman was hospitalized after her home in Rathglynn, Antrim, was deliberately set on fire.
一名70岁的妇女在星期二清晨在Antrim Rathglynn的家中被放火焚烧后,被烧伤并吸入烟雾而住院。 A 70-year-old woman was hospitalized with burns and smoke inhalation after her home in Rathglynn, Antrim, was set on fire early Tuesday morning. 警方正将这一事件视为故意纵火。 The incident is being treated as arson with intent by police. 另外两名试图解救她的成年人也因吸入烟雾而接受治疗。 Two other adults who tried to rescue her were also treated for smoke inhalation. 北爱尔兰消防救援局扑灭了大火,严重损坏了财产。 The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service extinguished the fire, which severely damaged the property.