2名成人和3名儿童在贝尔法斯特的家遭破坏后被放火焚烧后未受伤害而逃脱。 Two adults and three children escaped unharmed after their Belfast home was set on fire following vandalism.
3名儿童和2名成人在贝尔法斯特北部Glenrosa Link的房屋在被破坏后被放火焚烧后,几乎逃脱了伤势。 Three children and two adults narrowly escaped injury after their house in Glenrosa Link, north Belfast, was set on fire following vandalism. 这起事件发生在星期二午夜过后不久, 窗户被砸碎、喷漆、汽车轮胎在火灾发生前不久被砍断。 The incident occurred shortly after midnight on Tuesday, with windows smashed, paint thrown, and car tires slashed shortly before the fire. 一名被描述为穿黑大衣的瘦弱男子的嫌疑人逃离了现场。 A suspect, described as a slim man in a dark coat, fled the scene. 警方正在将此事件视为纵火, 呼吁提供任何信息或录像. Police are treating the incident as arson and are appealing for any information or footage.