印度尼西亚政府根据一项新的条例,允许强奸幸存者和某些医疗案例的安全堕胎。 Indonesia's government permits safe abortions for rape survivors and certain medical cases, based on a new regulation.
印度尼西亚国家人口和计划生育机构强调强奸或性骚扰受害者可以堕胎,其依据是第13/2002号政府条例(PP) 。 Indonesia's National Population and Family Planning Agency emphasizes abortion access for rape or sexual harassment victims, based on Govt Regulation (PP) No. 2024年第28号法令将怀孕作为可能导致精神分裂症或抑郁的紧急情况处理。 28 of 2024, treating such pregnancies as an emergency condition that may lead to schizophrenia or depression. 新规则允许强奸幸存者安全堕胎14周,在危及生命的医疗条件或胎儿致命异常情况下安全堕胎14周。 The new rule allows safe abortions up to 14 weeks for rape survivors, and in life-threatening medical conditions or fetal lethal anomalies. 然而,人们对警察的执行情况以及提供安全堕胎服务的医院的可用性表示关切。 However, concerns arise about police implementation and the availability of hospitals providing safe abortion services.