英国警告说,如果不在4月5日前弥补国家保险缺口,数千人可能会错过养老金的提高。 UK warns thousands may miss pension boost if they don't fix National Insurance gaps by April 5.
联合王国的HMRC警告说,如果在4月5日之前不解决国民保险(NI)记录中的差距问题,超过10,000人可能会错过国家养老金提升计划。 The UK's HMRC warns that over 10,000 people may miss out on a state pension boost if they don't address gaps in their National Insurance (NI) records by April 5. 一个新的数字服务机构已经支付了1 250万英镑来提供帮助,但1951年4月6日(男子)和1953年4月6日(妇女)之后出生的个人必须迅速采取行动,以尽量扩大其国家养老金。 A new digital service has already paid out £12.5 million to help, but individuals born after April 6, 1951 (men) and April 6, 1953 (women), must act quickly to maximize their state pension. 上届政府将自愿捐款的最后期限延长到2025年4月5日。 The previous government extended the deadline for making voluntary NI contributions to April 5, 2025. 建议人们检查其资格并考虑其选择,包括获得NI信贷的可能性。 People are advised to check their eligibility and consider their options, including the possibility of NI credits.