阿联酋大使与巴基斯坦旁遮普省CM会面,以促进经济联系、投资和旅游业。 UAE Ambassador meets Pakistan's Punjab CM to boost economic ties, investments, and tourism.
阿联酋驻巴基斯坦大使会见了旁遮普省首席部长Maryam Nawaz Sharif,讨论促进经济联系、发展项目和旅游业。 The UAE Ambassador to Pakistan met with Punjab's Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, to discuss boosting economic ties, development projects, and tourism. 他们同意成立一个工作组,以加强合作和以奖励措施吸引阿联酋投资。 They agreed to form a working group to enhance cooperation and attract UAE investments with incentives. 大使称赞谢里夫的发展和气候倡议,表示阿联酋有兴趣在巴基斯坦开展更多合作项目。 The Ambassador praised Sharif's development and climate initiatives, expressing UAE's interest in more collaborative projects in Pakistan. 此外,旁遮普邦总督还会见了阿联酋大使,讨论加强双边经济关系和可再生能源合作的问题。 Separately, the Punjab Governor also met the UAE Ambassador to discuss strengthening bilateral economic relations and cooperation in renewable energy.