阿富汗官员与伊朗就铁路合作和移民在内部问题和区域暴力中的待遇问题会晤。 Afghan officials meet with Iran over railway cooperation and migrant treatment amid internal issues and regional violence.
阿富汗官员与伊朗同行会晤,讨论铁路合作问题,并敦促给予阿富汗移民人道待遇。 Afghan officials met with Iranian counterparts to discuss railway cooperation and urged humane treatment of Afghan migrants. 喀布尔一家毛毯工厂开业, 两人因偷窃和同性恋在Takhar遭到惩罚。 A blanket factory opened in Kabul, and two people were punished for theft and homosexuality in Takhar. 阿富汗当局在巴基斯坦释放了11名囚犯,其中包括儿童。 Afghan authorities released 11 inmates in Pakistan, including children. 同时,25名巴基斯坦安全部队人员在俾路支解放军袭击俾路支省时丧生。 Meanwhile, 25 Pakistani security forces were killed in an attack in Balochistan by the Balochistan Liberation Army.